Toddler room is full of fun and we encourage learning through play. Our aim is for Toddlers to develop skills, confidence and build relationships. We recognise it is important for children to explore their own interests and surroundings while playing. The Toddlers are given a choice of activities daily, but we also plan activities based on the children’s interests and next steps. Practitioners are spontaneous throughout the day and are ready to take the lead from the children.

In Toddlers the children are around 18 months – 30 months. In Toddlers we encourage independence and toilet training, the children are encouraged to say please and thank you. Toddlers are encouraged to drink from an open ‘Doidy’ cup with handles and eat with a spoon and fork.

As part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (EYFS) it is good practise to assign each child a key carer, we do this in every room within the nursery, although we very much work as a team and all practitioners get to know the children in our setting. We extend toddlers development by providing good activities that link to our curriculum, we have topics for toddlers to enjoy and we create artwork with them where they use different skills. Practitioners encourage and model good language to toddlers, at this age we expect to see their vocabulary grow, we read stories and sing lots of nursery rhymes to help with language skills.
We ensure toys and puzzles extend from the play they have had in baby room to encourage progression. We provide many toys where the parts connect so toddlers must work out how to build, we have small word play to encourage imagination and language. Toddlers play outside each day where possible, we have a mud kitchen, water play, a slide, diggers, small bikes and much more. Sensory play such as playdough, water, sand or pasta play is always available to toddlers and this is often linked to the home corner for the toddlers to transfer their play between the two.
In Toddlers all food is provided, we cater for food allergies, intolerances and other dietary needs, we ask parents to provide nappies, wipes and cream. The children have a bag containing spare clothes that can be left on their peg for their nursery week. We ask for a pair of wellies and a puddle suit for the autumn/winter months and sun cream and a hat for the summer months.
When we think your child is ready to toilet train we will have a discussion with you, or if you feel they are ready to try please raise this with us and we can work together. During this time we will need extra spare clothes. Toddlers have water available to them throughout the day and we encourage them to drink regularly. We ask for family photos to go on our ‘Caught on camera’ display, we talk to the children about who people are in their family which they enjoy.
A statutory requirement of the EYFS is that we complete a ‘2 year old progress check’ between the age of two to two and a half. Practitioners in Toddler room will complete this collaboratively and then arrange a good time to meet with parents to talk about your child’s development. We will have recognised ‘next steps’ to work towards with your child and share them with you.
When we feel Toddlers are ready physically, emotionally, are toilet trained and have enough language to communicate with others toddlers will slowly visit middle room for a few weeks to settle in, practitioners carry out a good handover of the child’s needs and share important information.
So then Toddlers move to Middle room!