At our Amersham and Wycombe Hospital Day Nurseries, places are prioritised as follows:
- Employees of Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Employees of any other NHS Provider
- Non NHS employees
Please contact the nursery to arrange a viewing to enable you to join the waiting list. We do not charge a deposit to do this as we cannot guarantee a place due to prioritising NHS employees.
Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust operates an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy.
The Nurseries are registered with Ofsted in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and adheres to an Inclusion Policy
The health, safety and welfare of all the children in our Nurseries and out of school club is our responsibility. Children have the right to protection, regardless of age, gender, race, culture, background or disability. We know that children learn best when they are healthy, safe and secure. Our staff undertake safeguarding training and use their professional judgement in keeping children safe. We know what to do when we have a concern, and do not investigate or judge, but follow the legal processes for protection. We will work with children, parents and the local authority to meet the needs of the children and to give them the best start in life.
Our aim is to provide good quality childcare in a clean, safe and secure environment where the children are respected and encouraged to develop their full potential at their own pace. The Nurseries are divided into small areas and children are grouped together according to age and stage of development. The rooms are equipped and decorated to provide the children with bright and cheerful surroundings and each room has between two and three staff members who work closely together as a team. They provide for all of the children’s needs under the guidance of a senior member of staff. The staff are responsible for planning a variety of activities daily, alongside child initiated and free play. The activities are stimulating, educational and fun and take place both inside and outdoors. The children’s development is observed, tracked and planned for, with records available so that progress is shared between the Nursery and home. Open evenings and individual meetings are held periodically to discuss the children and parents are encouraged to seek a discussion or meeting whenever needed. Our aim is to ensure that parents/carers and practitioners work in partnership to ensure each individual child’s needs are met.
If a child’s needs require additional support, we would liaise with Bucks Council Early Years Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Team for informal advice and support.