Paying for your childcare
Fees are calculated over a 50-week year, divided into 12 monthly payments. This allows for the closure days of 8 bank holidays and 2 staff training events.
Payment of fees can be made by:
- Tax-Free Childcare payment (TFC)
- Company voucher e.g. Computershare, Edenred
- Card payment via the hospital cashiers office.
- Direct Debit
The Nurseries are registered to receive 9 months, 2, 3 and 4-year-old funding from Bucks Council – Early Years Department, known as the ‘Funded Entitlement’ (FE). Parents will be notified at the appropriate time with further details for applying for this.
An alteration of attendance can be requested temporarily e.g. maternity leave.
Notice of leaving
At least one month’s written notice is required when a child is leaving.
Early education funding
9 months – 2-year-old funding offered:
9 months to 2YO PPA for Eligible Working Parents
2-year-old funding offered:
3 & 4-year-old universal and extended funding offered:
PPA E – Parent and Provider Agreement for Funded Entitlement – Extended hours for 3 and 4-year-olds
PPA U – Parent and Provider Agreement for Funded Entitlement – Universal hours for 3 and 4-year-olds
School term dates | Buckinghamshire Council
Vouchers & Tax-free childcare
We are tax-free childcare scheme registered and childcare vouchers accepted.
Check your eligibility for help paying for your childcare.