Bigs is our pre-school room, and this is the last phase the children will spend with us. It is a big room with classrooms both inside and outside. We encourage learning through play and our aim for Bigs is to be ‘school ready’ by the time they leave us for their next adventure.

In Bigs the children are around 3 to 4 years and all in the same academic year group. Bigs spend a part of their morning having ‘learning time’ where their activities are structured, and they are encouraged to sit at the table to complete tasks set. This could be puzzle based, drawing, peg boards, Unifix bricks, number work, phonic based games and other activities that encourage the children to sit and concentrate as much as they can. After learning time, the children play outside or play with the other toys available to them within their room, they have a good range of art and sensory equipment and are encouraged to use their imagination and play together socially. Topic work is carried out in Bigs where they learn facts and features about things for example, space, seasonal, cultural, people who help us or life cycles. One of the favourite topics is ‘occupation’ which is where parents get to come and talk about their jobs. As Bigs are our eldest children they are given some small responsibilities, they help staff with small jobs, this could be taking clean bibs to Baby room or taking a message to someone, they enjoy this greatly. Bigs throughout their week will take part in storytime, singing, movement and music, PE and going on walks when they can as a group, they enjoy our local fields situated behind the nursery.

One of the most important parts of our Bigs pre-school room is ensuring the children are ready for going to school, this means teaching independence in many areas, dressing, toileting, eating, being able to cut their own food by using a knife and fork, expressing themselves using words, trying to solve their own conflicts where they can, practitioners are always on hand when the children need help but we want them to try for themselves first. We encourage a love of learning where the children can express themselves and be confident learners, we focus on involving as much language and literacy into every aspect of what the children do, this includes learning poems, reading lots of stories to the children and singing new songs. We show them how to hold a pencil correctly, they are taught how to write when they start school, but we will show them how to write some letters.
Bigs have lunch in their room where they drink from an open cup, use a larger knife and fork and pour their own drinks, they then rest and have quiet time after lunch. The afternoon in Bigs is more relaxed where the children can free play as they wish.
The children in Bigs are asked to bring in a water bottle, and a bag with spare clothes. They will be provided with a bag for them to use whilst they are with us in Bigs.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework and all our learning is planned around meeting these goals, so the children get a well-rounded start to their education. Bigs take part in Nursery Rhyme challenge, and they perform a nativity play at Christmas time, they learn new songs at this time, and all have the chance to be a character in the play. In the summer Bigs enjoy a sports day where the children learn to work as a team. At the end of the academic year Bigs will also have a Graduation celebration, these are all events where parents can attend. Practitioners in Bigs liaise well with the school the children are moving onto; this could be via a phone call or some teachers come and visit the children in our setting. A written report always goes to the school from us where we share your child’s strengths with their new teacher.
Bigs are now ready to leave us to move onto their school, we wish them good luck!